How To Choose A Pickleball Paddle: Complete Guide 2024

how to choose a pickleball paddle

Pickleball is an amazing sport that is super fun to play. But one of the most important things to consider to get the most enjoyment out of the game is how to choose a pickleball paddle.

With hundreds of pickleball paddles on the market and paddle technology improving constantly, it can be overwhelming to figure out what’s the best pickleball paddle for you.

That’s why I’m here to guide you through the process, so you can find a pickleball paddle that compliments your game and makes it feel like an extension of your arm.

First things first: your play style. It’s essential to choose a pickleball paddle that compliments the way you play. Are you a power player who generates force on your own? Or, are you a control player who needs a paddle that can help you place your shots precisely?

If you’re a power player, don’t be afraid to go for a softer paddle that can add control to your powerful shots. On the other hand, if you’re a control player, you may want to look for a pickleball paddle that hits hard and helps you put the ball away.

It’s important to note that all pickleball paddles have elements of power and control. That’s why our pickleball paddle guide is here to help you find the right mix for your unique style of play. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, we’ve got you covered.

So, let’s dive in and find the perfect pickleball paddle for you!

How To Choose A Pickleball Paddle

peter with lots of paddles to choose from
So many paddles to choose from!

Ah, the ultimate question….How to decide on the best paddle to match your game?

Well, part of the fun can be trying out different paddles which we HIGHLY suggest!

Try your friends, borrow, demo, buy used, whatever it takes. There are so many paddle options. Pickleball Central has a great return program if you are not happy with your purchase so we definitely encourage buying thru them.

And of course, having multiple paddles is ok!! Certainly as your game progresses you may find that you need different features in a paddle to match your game.

Some people even use a different paddle for singles versus doulbles!

There are several different factors to consider when choosing a pickleball paddle. Let’s take a look.

Playing Style

Tyson McGuffin in Skechers Pickleball shoes
From Tyson’s Facebook Page, sporting his Viper Court Pro Shoes which topped our list as the best pickleball shoe!

When it comes to choosing a pickleball paddle, it’s really important to understand your playing style.

Are you a power player or a control player? Like to spin? Or a combination of all?

There are different factors in a pickleball paddle performance that affect spin, power and control.

Manufacturers design the pickleball paddles using different materials and technologies, and the combination of these can create a different playing experience than you might prefer.

There are essentially two primary styles of play: power and control. Depending on which style you lean toward, you should choose a paddle that complements your strengths and helps you to perform at your best on the court. Your style of play will help determine the type of paddle face and type of paddle surface you would want.

For me personally, I tend to be more of a power player. I rely on strength and speed to make my shots and win my points with more power. As a result, I need a heavy paddle that can handle a lot of force and deliver powerful hits. This was not the case with my first paddle!

When choosing a pickleball paddle, I prioritize features like paddle weight, paddle core material, sweet spot, and a higher stiffness rating to ensure that I can generate the power that I need. An elongated paddle is often helpful too to generate more power.

On the other hand, if I were a more control-oriented player, my needs would be very different. I would need a paddle that allowed me to make precise, finesse shots with great accuracy and control. In that case, I would focus on factors like a light paddle, paddle length, grip size, and paddle shape to ensure that I had the maneuverability and control necessary to make my shots.

Ultimately, your playing style is the foundation of your game, and it’s essential to consider it when choosing a pickleball paddle.

By choosing the right paddle, you can enhance your natural strengths and improve your game overall, allowing you to compete at your highest level and achieve your goals on the court.

Typical Features of Power Paddles:

  • Elongated
  • Thinner Cores
  • Fiberglass Face
  • Longer Handles
  • Heavier paddles
  • Smaller Sweet Spots

Typical Features Of Control Paddles:

  • Wider or Rounded Shape
  • Thicker Core
  • Graphite or Carbon Fiber
  • Traditional Length or Shorter Handle
  • Lightweight paddles
  • Large Sweet Spots

Determine Your Budget

pickleball paddle budget

When it comes to choosing a pickleball paddle, budget is an important factor to consider. As someone who has played pickleball for a while, I’ve learned through trial and error that expensive pickleball paddles aren’t always superior to budget-friendly ones. However, investing in a quality pickleball paddle that fits within my budget has helped me improve my game and enjoy playing more.

In my experience, budget plays a big role because pickleball paddles vary greatly in price. Some paddles could cost well over $200 while others are priced at $40 or lower.

While it’s tempting to go for the cheapest one available or splurge on the most expensive one, it’s important to find a middle ground. This is where budget comes in.

A higher-priced paddle may have advanced features that boost performance, but if I’m on a tight budget, I may have to sacrifice some of those features.

On the other hand, I don’t want to choose the cheapest paddle available as it may not have enough quality to last longer or give me the best performance.

Budget can also depend on how often you play pickleball. If it’s a game you play every day, you may want to spend more on a high-quality paddle that lasts longer. But remember, it’s alright to opt for a budget-friendly paddle if you play less frequently.

Look at Paddle Shape

hyperion vs perseus

When it comes to pickleball paddle shape, all manufacturers in the US must follow certain specifications. For example, the combined length and width of the paddle (including any edge guard and butt cap) can’t exceed 24 inches, and the paddle length itself can’t be more than 17 inches. However, there’s no restriction on paddle thickness.

In general, the longer and narrower a pickleball paddle is, the higher the sweet spot will be on the paddle face. This higher sweet spot gives you more leverage and more power when hitting the ball.

But other factors in paddle shapes affect the sweet spot’s size as well. For example, rounded paddle corners can lead to a larger and more consistent sweet spot, and a shorter handle and longer paddle face combine to create a bigger sweet spot too. So, as you can see, pickleball paddle shape definitely matters!

Understand Paddle Core Material

pickleball paddle core

There are a few factors to consider in pickleball paddle cores. The most popular core material is a polymer honeycomb core. The hardness from polymer core paddles has a direct correlation with how much energy is absorbed by the paddle core. The more absorption there is, the wider the sweet spot is and the more consistent the paddle feels (better control).

On the other hand, if the polymer core material is softer, more energy is returned to the ball which adds pop and increases the power of the paddle.

Another core material used for a paddle core is Nomex. Nomex is hard and adds a degree of power but is not as common these days due to its lack of durability compared to polymer honeycomb cores.

While there are no regulations regarding paddle thickness, it also plays a significant role in paddle performance. Similar to the material, the thicker the pickleball paddle core is, the more energy is absorbed, leading to better control. Conversely, thinner pickleall paddle cores lead to more energy being returned to the ball, resulting in increased power.

As you can see, pickleball paddle cores can play a big factor in how your paddle responds.

Face Material

niupipo core

The way the paddle’s face interacts with the ball directly affects the energy absorbed or returned upon impact. This means that the material of the paddle’s face plays a crucial role in determining how well you perform on the court.

When it comes to paddle face materials, harder materials like graphite and carbon fiber are great for those seeking greater control over their shot placement. These materials have a higher ability to absorb energy and allow the ball to dwell on the paddle face longer, giving me a stronger sense of control. However, if I’m looking for more power behind my strikes, a softer material like fiberglass is the way to go. Since it flexes and produces a trampoline effect, it returns more energy to the ball and gives me the boost I need.

But it’s not just about power and control – spin is also a significant aspect of a good pickleball game. A paddle can enhance spin through friction or adhesion. A coarser paddle face generates more friction, while a smooth and tacky face results in adhesion, allowing the paddle to “grab” the ball and impart spin. As a player, I want to make sure my paddle faces fall within the regulation limits for both roughness and adhesion, so I can put my best spin on every shot.

Handle Length

pickleball paddle handle

A longer handle moves the sweet spot higher up the paddle face, away from your hand. This results in a higher sweet spot, which means more paddle head speed and, subsequently, more power when hitting the ball. Think of a tennis racquet. Tennis players will typically prefer a longer handle since most are used to two hands for their backhands.

On the other hand, a shorter handle moves the sweet spot closer to your hand and enlarges the paddle’s surface area, resulting in a bigger sweet spot and better consistency in paddle performance across the paddle face, leading to better control. This can be better for people with small hands. Think of a ping pong (or table tennis) paddle. Handle length is different than grip size…we will get to that later.

Overall Paddle Weight

A paddle’s weight plays a crucial role in both power and control on the court. I’ve learned that the weight of a paddle directly affects the amount of power it can deliver during a match.

However, using a light medium weight paddle allows for quicker positioning and increased shot control. The key is finding the right weight that works best for you and your play style – not too heavy that it can cause arm injury, and not too light that it requires extra effort to generate power behind your shots.

That’s why I believe the optimal swing weight differs for every player. It’s finding the perfect weight that allows you to swing the paddle without sacrificing hand speed, while not causing over-exertion to generate power. For me and many other players, we’ve found that the optimal paddle weight falls between 7.4 and 8.3 ounces.

However, the best way to determine your ideal weight is by experimenting with multiple paddle weights or adding weight, like lead tape, to your standard paddle amount. Having a carbon fiber paddle and adding some lead tape could be the solution you are looking for without having to go buy a new paddle.

Trust me, finding the right weight can make all the difference on the court. I’ve used heavy paddles hoping for more power but some didn’t provide it. That is why for your next pickleball paddle it is great to test as many out as you can to match your style of play.

Should I get an Edge Guard or Edgeless Paddle?

edgeless paddle
Example of an Edgeless Paddle

When it comes to selecting the best pickleball paddle, I personally think whether to go for a paddle with an edge guard or an edgeless one is an important decision.

While both types of pickleball paddles have their advantages and disadvantages, it ultimately comes down to what you value most in your gameplay.

If you’re someone who likes to reach for low shots or frequently hits the ground while playing, then a paddle with an edge guard may be the way to go. The edge guard on these paddles protects the edges of the paddle from damage upon impact, which can be especially important if you find yourself frequently scraping the ground during play.

On the other hand, if control and precision are your priorities, then you may prefer an edgeless paddle. These paddles have a uniform edge which creates a clean surface area for hitting the ball. This can result in a more consistent strike and better ball control overall.

Ultimately, the choice between an edge-guarded or an edgeless paddle comes down to personal preference and playing style. It may take a little experimentation and practice before you find the right pickleball paddle that feels comfortable and suits your playing style.

FAQ: How to Choose a Pickleball Paddle

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to guide you in choosing a pickleball paddle:

What factors should I consider in choosing a pickleball paddle?

Here are some factors to keep in mind when choosing a pickleball paddle as they all have an impact on the paddle’s performance:

  • Paddle weight: The weight of the paddle affects how heavy it feels as you swing it. Generally, light weight pickleball paddles like graphite paddles are easier to maneuver but may not provide as much power as heavier pickleball paddles. Heavier paddles, on the other hand, may be more powerful but can be more tiring to use over time. You’ll start to feel those heavyweight paddles during your longer matches!
  • Paddle size: The size of the paddle affects the size of the paddle face and the hitting surface available to you. Larger pickleball paddles, like an elongated pickleball paddle, can provide a longer face and a larger sweet spot, but may be heavier and harder to maneuver. Smaller pickleball paddles may be easier to maneuver but provide less hitting surface.
  • Grip size: Pickleball paddle Grip size affects how the paddle feels in your hand. A grip size that is too small may feel unstable and uncomfortable, while a grip size that is too large may feel unwieldy. Grip size is often overlooked but it can make a difference!
  • Handle Length: Handle length is a big factor in how the paddle feels in your hand. Some, like myself, prefer a longer handle due to the fact that I like a two handed backhand. Others like the additional space for their index finger. While others prefer a shorter handle which in turn will give them a longer paddle face.
  • Paddle material: Pickleball paddles can be made from a variety of materials. There are wood paddles, composite paddles, graphite paddles, and carbon fiber paddles. Each material has its own characteristics, such as weight, durability, power, and feel. Paddle face and paddle surface materials need to be determined and will definitely determine your power and spin. You are seeing a lot more composite pickleball paddles to balanced this.

What is the best weight for a pickleball paddle?

When it comes to selecting the optimal weight for a pickleball paddle, it is a highly individual decision that largely depends on your personal preferences and unique playing style. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer as different players will have different needs and comfort levels.

In general terms, a lighter paddle, typically weighing between 6 to 7 ounces, offers an ease of maneuverability that can be particularly beneficial for those who prioritize speed and precision in their game. These paddles are usually easier on the arm and wrist, making them a great choice for beginners or players with joint issues. They allow for quick reactions at the net and precise control over the ball’s placement.

On the other hand, a heavier paddle, often weighing between 8 to 9 ounces, can deliver a greater degree of power, making it an ideal choice for players who place a high value on strength and stability in their game. The additional weight can aid in driving the ball harder and further, adding an extra punch to your shots. This can be especially useful when playing against opponents who use a power-heavy strategy.

However, it’s important to note that a paddle’s weight is not the only factor to consider. The material composition, grip size, and overall balance also play a significant role in how a paddle performs and feels. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to try out several different paddles of varying weights to identify which one feels most comfortable in your hand and complements your playing style effectively.

Remember, the ultimate goal is to find a paddle that feels like a natural extension of your arm, providing the perfect blend of power, control, and comfort. So take your time, test different options, and you’ll eventually find the weight that works best for you.

Should I choose a large or small paddle?

Again, the size of the paddle depends on personal preference and playing style. Larger paddles can provide more room for error and a larger sweet spot, which can be beneficial for beginners or players who need more forgiveness on their shots. Smaller pickleball paddles may be easier to maneuver and provide more control for advanced players.

How do I know what grip size to choose?

The best way to determine your grip size is to measure your hand. You can use a ruler or a tape measure to measure the distance from the tip of your index finger to the crease in your wrist.

Most pickleball paddles come in standard grip sizes, such as 4 inches, 4.25 inches, and 4.5 inches. If you fall between sizes, it’s usually best to go with the smaller size, as you can always add an overgrip to increase the grip size.

What material is best for a pickleball paddle?

The best material for a pickleball paddle depends on your personal preference and playing style. Wood paddles are typically affordable and durable, but may not provide as much power or control as other materials. Composite paddles can provide a good balance between power and control, while graphite paddles and carbon fiber paddles are often favored by advanced players for their light weight and maneuverability.


In conclusion, choosing the best paddle can make all the difference in your game. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, it’s important to find the best pickleball paddle that suits your play style, skill level, and budget.

As I’ve mentioned in this blog post, there are several factors to consider when selecting a paddle, such as weight, grip, paddle shape, and materials. By doing a thorough research and testing out different pickleball paddles, you can ultimately find the one that feels most comfortable and effective for you. Keep in mind that buying a used pickleball paddle is a great option!

So for your new pickleball paddle, is it gonna be a lighter paddle, a graphite paddle, a carbon fiber paddle or a slightly heavier paddle?

Do you like thicker paddles or thinner paddles?

That’s up to you! And part of the fun is getting to test them out. Lot’s of places allow you to demo pickleball paddles for a small fee. Highly suggest this.

Remember that investing in a good pickleball paddle can go a long way in improving your game and boosting your confidence on the court.

So take your time, weigh your options, and happy shopping!

Email us to receive our free pickleball paddle buyer’s guide!

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